Baby Shower Invitation Card. First comes the bridal shower, then comes the invitations for a baby shower! Say "Ahoy!" to a baby boy with a sailor-themed invitation or choose a "tickled pink" invitation for a sweet girl baby shower.
Baby Shower Card Sayings For Baby Boy | FREE Printable ... (Larry Oliver)
Whether you're organizing your own event or creating it for a friend or family member, you want your DIY baby shower invitations to be as unique as the child whose arrival you're celebrating. Pretty pink polka dots and baby laundry hanging from a clothesline clipart make a sweet shower invitation. A baby shower is just one beautiful chapter of an unfolding tale of new life.
Pink, Rustic, Diaper Raffle, Books for Baby, Thank you card, DIGITAL Self Editable kit - Edit NOW!
Create a baby shower invitation, birth announcement, or thank-you card to match the baby's gender.
Fonts and text help set the tone. A baby shower is an opportunity to bestow a range of gifts upon an expectant mom. From baby shower invitations, baby shower cards for boys or girls, and gift ideas to pink-and-blue gift wrap, fun baby shower games and the cutest recipes, Hallmark is your starting place for planning a shower.